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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Driving South to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory

This section of the Klondike
Highway has Chip Seal

The thin, asphalt and tar covering makes the roadway smooth and dust free.

A helicopter...

I wonder if people are

About ten miles down the road
we pass this overturned truck.

Someone has written in the dust
on the door that the vehicle was
 checked & there's no one inside.

I wonder if the helicopter is looking for the person(s) from the truck.

We pass the sign for

We are skipping the dead end trip to Keno City.

Chip Seal is a very thin layer of
pavement that is easily broken
up for removal & repaving.

A water truck goes through
the construction area.

The dust will be minimal.

Mud splotches cover the
rear camera lens.

We'll clean that up the
next time we stop.

The maximum speed is
90 kilometers an hour,
or 56 miles per hour.

These motorcyclists have
face shields on their helmets
& windshields on their bikes.

Look at the bottom light...

We have 69 seconds to wait
before the light turns green.

Eric tells me that the roadway
will be put on top of the
bridge decking that we see today.

The approaches to both ends of the bridge will be built up to make the transition from road to bridge as smooth as possible for the driver.  

What is that tractor trailer
doing in our lane?

We'll stop at the Coal Mine
coffee & to stretch our legs.

The  Coal Mine is
Motorcycle Friendly.

Carmacks is the Hub
of the Yukon.

Another section of road is
being groomed.

Braeburn Lodge is known
for their Cinnamon Buns

The nearby airport is known
as the Cinnamon Bun Strip.

The lead bicyclist has a carrier
for extra gear.

We arrive in Whitehorse.

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